Bacoc 19th century Hacienda With A Rustic Feel

Bacoc 19th century Hacienda With A Rustic Feel -
19th Century Bacoc Hacienda With A Rustic Feel

Hacienda is a Spanish word for 'property', and 19th century Bacoc Hacienda spent many difficult years in abandonment and disuse. Then, the new owner has restored the house, leaving the old masonry, but with additions of modern architecture of Salvador Reyes Rios and Larrain Arquitectos. As the Yucatan Peninsula where it is like a tropical paradise, it was decided to open the house and deal with lush tropical vegetation. The interior of the house uses passive cooling and strategically placed skylights that illuminate the interior during the day. The interior has a distinct rustic feel - there are wood accents and earth line stucco walls

19th Century Bacoc Hacienda With A Rustic Feel
19th Century Bacoc Hacienda With A Rustic Feel
19th Century Bacoc Hacienda With A Rustic Feel
19th Century Bacoc Hacienda With A Rustic Feel
19th Century Bacoc Hacienda With A Rustic Feel
19th Century Bacoc Hacienda With A Rustic Feel
19th Century Bacoc Hacienda With A Rustic Feel
19th Century Bacoc Hacienda With A Rustic Feel
19th Century Bacoc Hacienda With A Rustic Feel
Source thecoolist, reyesrioslarrain

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