Apartment With wood floors and completely black 60 square meter Living

Apartment With wood floors and completely black 60 square meter Living -
Square Meter Apartment With Completely Black Floors And Some Furniture

This apartment is located in Copenhagen, and belongs to a graphic artist and a chef's gourmet restaurant. They both love order and different beautiful things. The building itself is quite old so the apartment was renovated when the current owners had obtained. The area of ​​the entire apartment is 0 square meters. It is divided in two areas: a living area and a bathroom with room for a washing machine and a dryer. Many woodwork were made for the apartment during the renovation. He got completely dark wood floors with several pieces of the same wood furniture. These black floors and furniture were mixed with white walls and white furniture pieces to the inside does not look too dark. Thank you to large windows, lots of natural light during the day and also helps to make the apartment more livable. Among other things in the apartment, you might find interesting bringt decorations that attract attention in black and white background.

{The photos are made by Pernille Howalt for the magazine Bolig}

Square Meter Apartment With Completely Black Floors And Some Furniture
Square Meter Apartment With Completely Black Floors And Some Furniture
Square Meter Apartment With Completely Black Floors And Some Furniture
Square Meter Apartment With Completely Black Floors And Some Furniture
Square Meter Apartment With Completely Black Floors And Some Furniture
Square Meter Apartment With Completely Black Floors And Some Furniture
Square Meter Apartment With Completely Black Floors And Some Furniture

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