Apartment With Wings futuristic in its design

Apartment With Wings futuristic in its design -
Futuristic Apartment With Wings In Its Design

This atypical apartment is located in Seoul and was designed by the firm south -coréenne of AnLstudio design. The futuristic structure consists of entrance hall, the working areas of the artist, kitchen, bedroom or bathroom. The most special thing is the interior architecture of the fragments of the wing inserted in the walls and ceiling that is used to separate the residential areas of the workspace. The apartment is called Nakwon it is "utopia" in Korean and the attitude of the customer for life. The objective of creating this wing was to maximize the perception of space by wrapping it with a unique lighting integrated in ceilings and walls of the working area. The wing supports the work functions, providing lighting and housing organization along the periphery of the space, which is the private area like bedrooms or bathrooms.

Futuristic Apartment With Wings In Its Design
Futuristic Apartment With Wings In Its Design
Futuristic Apartment With Wings In Its Design
Futuristic Apartment With Wings In Its Design
Futuristic Apartment With Wings In Its Design
Futuristic Apartment With Wings In Its Design
Source : Dezeen, anlstudio

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